I had the pleasure of shooting John and Mindy's wedding. They are friends of mine, so I was so happy to do it! The whole event was very sweet and I couldn't be happier for this couple!This was my first wedding of the season, so I was pretty pumped. There were lots of kids running around, kids that are dear to my heart, and my camera is (and always has been attracted) to kids! So there are quite a few of the kiddos!
Mindy is blessed with family and friends that helped do make-up and hair for her.

Sweet little cousins, getting all pretty!

Mindy and her sister Angie aren't close in age, but they are best friends!

Kamri (in the middle) is Mindy's daughter, she's surrounded by her cousins.
Three little princesses!

These 3 are very dear to my heart!

This first look was very sweet!
Little Brianna took a little nap on her daddy's shoulder, drool and all!
Kamri decided to help pick up the petals after the ceremony.