Why do I say "finally"? Well I got a call while on Christmas vacation back in 2008, "I need a gift certificate for my in-laws for a photo shoot. I want to give it to them as a present". All was taken care of. As 2009 went by we set up a date in the fall for a shoot. Then while I was on another vacation with my family I got a call, "I'm going to have a baby, can we postpone the photo shoot?" I like to accommodate my clients, so I said, "of course". Then over the course of 2010 I didn't hear from either daughter-in-law. And while on another vacation I get an email from another photographer, "I think I'm getting your emails". Sure enough he was from the daughter-in-law trying to set up the photo session. It was all figured out and we set the date up. The patriarchs of the family have built a beautiful log cabin in the middle of their corn field, it's gorgeous. We were able to get some shots outside by their corn before it started to rain and then went in for a few more. I wanted to stay in the cozy house, it's beautiful!

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